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How to turn off require sign-in on wakeup in Windows Settings

Problem: The alarm sound does not play on the logon screen after sleep in Windows 10 or Windows 11.

To stop Windows 10 or Windows 11 from asking to sign in after resuming from sleep, use these steps:

  1. Open Settings.
  2. Click on Accounts.
  3. Click on Sign-in options.
  4. Under the Require sign-in section, use the drop-down menu and select the Never option.

Once you complete the steps, you'll no longer be required to enter a password after waking up Windows from sleep.

Windows 10 Settings

Turn off require sign-in on wakeup in Windows 10

Windows 11 Settings

Turn off require sign-in on wakeup in Windows 11

Verify that Free Alarm Clock is allowed to wake the computer

Learn how to allow your computer to be woken up when it's sleeping by timed events.

1. Open the Control Panel in the Start menu.

2. Open Power Options in the Control Panel.

Power Options

Note: If Power Options is not available, change View by to Large icons at the top right of the Control Panel.

3. Select Change plan settings next to the active power plan.

Change plan settings

4. Select Change advanced power settings.

Change advanced power settings

5. Select Change settings that are currently unavailable in the Power Options window.

Change settings that are currently unavailable

6. Set Allow wake timers to Enable under Sleep and then click OK to save the changes.

Allow wake timers

Note: If the wakeup function still not working properly, try to update BIOS of your computer.

Note: Free Alarm Clock will not wake up your computer when the laptop lid is closed.

Langue (Language)FR

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Version: 5.2
Publié: 02/02/2022
Les systèmes d'exploitation suivants sont pris en charge:
Microsoft Windows 11/10/8.1/8/7/Vista/XP

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